Monday, January 30, 2012

Exciting Week Ahead

We have another exciting week ahead of us. The children have made predictions about the Groundhog seeing his shadow. Eleven students said no, he would not see his shadow and Spring would soon be here! Eight students said yes, he would see his shadow, go back into his burrow and we will have six more weeks of Winter weather. Now we all know that this is about as reliable as the weather forecast on the news, but it is fun to predict. Their predictions are displayed in the hallway and we will see which predictions are correct on Thursday! Not only will Thursday be an exciting day because of Groundhog Day, but we are also excited about an author visiting our school! Eddie Bowman, aka, Chester Drawers will entertain us on Thursday. He has written several funny books and has songs to go along with the books. He will sing some of the songs for us all dressed up in his silly overalls and hat! He visited WGS a few years ago and the children just loved hearing his stories and singing along with Chester Drawers. We all look forward to Thursday!


  1. I read Mr. Bowman's Gilbert the Goose to your students in library this week. We laughed at all the silly places Gilbert followed the main character. They did a great job coloring a Goose picture and writing a place the Goose might follow them. I am going to display the pictures in the library for Mr. Bowman's visit. I know he will appreciate their creativity, too.

  2. They are really enjoying his stories and music!
