Friday, March 16, 2012

Outdoor Music Lab

With the warm weather this past week the children really enjoyed having music class in the outdoor lab. The only problem was the kids weren't the only ones enjoying the warmth, the red wasp were also! Nothing makes kindergartners duck, dive, and squeal like a wasp! Hope you enjoy seeing your favorite kinderkutie making music!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

We celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday last week. We read several of his books, worked on the Seussville website at computer lab, and watched videos of the Cat and the Hat and Horton Hears a Who. The final fun project was to make a Cat Hat on Friday. About the time that I got out all of the ingredients, the alarm for the tornado warning went off. Needless to say after all of the excitement of sitting out the storms in the hallway and then in the bathroom and early dismissal, we had to make the hats today. The kids still enjoyed making and eating the hats even though the actual birthdate was over. Earlier in the week, I told them we would be making something to eat on Friday. They all guessed that we would make green eggs and ham. I think they were relieved that they were not eating green eggs and really like the hats made of cookies, gummie candy and icing!